The capital of Ecuador is Quito, located just 14 miles south of the equator and sitting at around 8,550 feet above sea level.
It rests in a valley flanked by mountains, and several snow-capped volcanoes can be seen in the distance. Quito is Ecuadors
second largest city with a population of about 1.6 million. It contains a mixture of centuries-old architecture from the Spanish
times together with a modern downtown area complete with MCDonalds, Blockbuster, Baskin Robbins and the like. Two modern efficient
trolley systems run up and down two of the main avenues alongside countless buses that belch out black exhaust as they go
by. Quito is an international city that offers first class hotels as well as $2 per night rooms, pricey food specialties from
around the world as well as local dishes for $1, and Hollywood movies as well as inexpensive local entertainment. Overall,
it is an interesting city to live in, but like many others, a nice one to take a break from also.
