This house moved a bit.
From October 10th to December 13th, I went down to southern Louisiana to work on Hurricane Katrina relief efforts. I went
through the Crisis Corps, a small branch of the Peace Corps, and was attached to FEMA. It was the first time in the 44 year
history of Peace Corps that volunteers were sent to work domestically.
We had 3 days of FEMA training in Orlando, Florida, and then moved on to New Orleans. The group of volunteers that I was
with stayed just south of the city, and we worked in the countryside between New Orleans and the Gulf coast, in Plaquemines
The work we did varied, including passing out food, water, and supplies, cleaning out fire stations that were devastated,
and working with the Vietnamese and Cambodian fishing communities.
Some of us Crisis Corps Volunteers (CCVs) having lunch at the first disaster recovery center we worked at.
The patched levee above the lower 9th ward.
Living quarter and facilties for disaster workers.
My first home in New Orleans.
Wind damage
This is an orange grove. You can see the waterline where the salt water sat for 4 weeks.
Sam cleaning out the warehouse on fishing docks.
Me stacking buckets of oil.
Andrew in the Buras auditorium.
All of the other water towers in Plaqumeines parish held their ground.
The southern part of Plaquemines parish was under water for 4 weeks. When the water receeded, this house was placed on the
median of the highway.
The inside of that house.
It floated for awhile.
Sadly, some of our friends didn't make it.